Angie Bowden

Angie Bowden

Rural Financial Counsellor

Supporting Bulloo, Murweh, Paroo, Quilpie and Blackall-Tambo areas

Supporting Bulloo, Murweh, Paroo, Quilpie and Blackall-Tambo areas

About Angie Bowden

Angie is a Rural Financial Counsellor based in Charleville. She supports South West Queensland primary producers in Bulloo, Murweh, Paroo, Quilpie and Blackall-Tambo areas.

Angie commenced as a Rural Financial Counsellor at Charleville in 2010 following the millennium drought. She works with beef, sheep and wool producers providing assistance and options to sustain their businesses through the adversities of drought, bushfires, floods and to adapt, change or retire from the industry in the long term.

With extensive experience in the role, Angie has in-depth knowledge of the various assistance programs as well as agribusiness, farm debt mediation and negotiation.

She is a member of Financial Counsellors Association of Queensland and holds a Bachelor of Business, Diploma of Community Services (Financial Counselling) and various certificates in Small Business Management, Workplace Training, Mental Health First Aid and Negotiation. Angie is a Justice of the Peace Qualified and won the South West NRM 2016 Mulga Award for Exceptional Support Services to South West Queensland and was named a Paul Harris Fellow by Rotary International in 2017 in recognition of her exemplary work in community service and helping those in need.

Angie works with a team of Financial Counsellors located throughout Southern Queensland.

Request an appointment

To request an appointment with Angie, please fill out your details below. Angie will be in touch to confirm your appointment as soon as possible.

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RFCS Southern Queensland

Funded by the Australian Government and Queensland Government

Registered charity

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